Síoda's Big Box of Ideas
because I have too many of them not to offload somewhere
Here’s a list of fun project ideas I’ve had that I don’t have the time to do right now. I might do some of the things on here eventually, but please feel free to steal any of these for yourself :)
- Circuit-bend a dog button
- Create an alternate alphabet for the English language (then set it as my system font)
- Play around with SwayFX, maybe make some custom shaders for it. If I was really good I’d do window animations but I don’t think I have those skills yet…
- Make a releasable version of Space Rave (a silly VR project I did for a uni assignment)
- Create The Silkhive
- TRANSCEND The Silkhive
- Learn a decently long piano suite, maybe one of Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier books. No need to do it perfectly, just reasonably well.
- Root the old phone I use as a music player, to make it better at being a music player