happy new year

as if i wasnt already a massive fucking nerd, this year happened


Hihi! The new year is upon us. For posterity (and because I’m not great at remembering when stuff happened unless I write it down), I figured I’d put this little recap of 2024 on the internet. I’ve censored anything that relates too closely to my personal life but I think it’s funnier that way. Feel free to make outlandish speculations.


awesome stuff:

less awesome stuff but still got some good out of it:

stuff that I really fell off with:


I think last year I tried out CGP Grey’s concept of a “themed year”. The keyword here is “think” because I don’t actually remember for sure, so clearly it wasn’t very successful. This year I’ll make a little bucket list instead. I don’t know if I’ll achieve everything on it but I’m sure I’ll do plenty of other stuff too, so it’ll hopefully even out:

Perhaps in the future when I’m living a more structured life, the theme idea will work better. For now I feel like I’m still defining who I am, so there isn’t really much to build upon yet. The theme is just “SÍODA”.

Anyway, this year is bound to be an adventure even if I can only pull off one or two of the more likely things on my list. I’m excited :)