happy new year
as if i wasnt already a massive fucking nerd, this year happened
Hihi! The new year is upon us. For posterity (and because I’m not great at remembering when stuff happened unless I write it down), I figured I’d put this little recap of 2024 on the internet. I’ve censored anything that relates too closely to my personal life but I think it’s funnier that way. Feel free to make outlandish speculations.
awesome stuff:
- started HRT via a private service
- gave up on the private service after 2 months, started DIY HRT instead
- became SÍODA
- gave my website a fresh coat of paint
- went on my first solo flight abroad
- went on my second, third, fourth and fifth solo flights abroad too
- girlfriend :)
- went to my first proper concert (Food House in London on May
- met lots of friends from the internet
- developed my sense of fashion a little bit
- developed my artistic goals a LOT (watch this space)
- discovered the overwhelming awe of Power Metal (see above)
- conceptualised and began building Syncmap
- got pretty good with Tooll3
- learned the basics of C#
- learned the basics of C++
- remembered how Python works
- just kinda got more into coding in general
- played around with Arch Linux a lot (still mainly use windows though)
- joined bugmush
- became president of [REDACTED]
- put on some cool irl events
- generally became SO much more confident in myself and in interacting with others
less awesome stuff but still got some good out of it:
- that whole [REDACTED] on campus over the summer
- oh my god it’s been so stressful. i’ve never had to work this hard this CONSTANTLY before… but honestly i kinda enjoy the pressure. kinda.
stuff that I really fell off with:
- i can no longer reliably wake up to an alarm anymore
- my bike broke months ago and i still haven’t fixed the damn thing
- i have become absolutely horrendous at replying to people’s messages. like, i’ve started accidentally ghosting my parents, friends, housemates, people who wanna pay me for stuff, it’s getting really bad
I think last year I tried out CGP Grey’s concept of a “themed year”. The keyword here is “think” because I don’t actually remember for sure, so clearly it wasn’t very successful. This year I’ll make a little bucket list instead. I don’t know if I’ll achieve everything on it but I’m sure I’ll do plenty of other stuff too, so it’ll hopefully even out:
- update all my legal paperwork to my new name
- graduate from university
- release a usable version of Syncmap
- ….explain what Syncmap actually is
- put together a proper portfolio and showreel
- start taking comissions for web design, motion graphics, music visualisers
- get a job (please)
- move to Scotland
- finish and release some music (I have so much stuff that’s 80-90% done it’s not even funny)
- visit/meet more of my internet friends
- go to some digital arts meetups around Europe
- start using Linux as a daily driver OS
- begin Actually Paying Attention to my physical health
- same as above but for my diet
- write an artistic manifesto
- see about getting an adhd diagnosis
Perhaps in the future when I’m living a more structured life, the theme idea will work better. For now I feel like I’m still defining who I am, so there isn’t really much to build upon yet. The theme is just “SÍODA”.
Anyway, this year is bound to be an adventure even if I can only pull off one or two of the more likely things on my list. I’m excited :)